Saturday 17 August 2024

Excel Shortcut Key to Adjust Column & Row as per Text

                Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool for data management and analysis, but navigating its vast array of features can sometimes be daunting. One of the most useful features is the ability to adjust column widths and row heights to fit the text within them. This can be done quickly and efficiently using keyboard shortcuts. Here’s a guide on how to do it.

AutoFit Column Width

               When you enter text into a cell that exceeds the default column width, it can spill over into adjacent cells, making your spreadsheet look cluttered. To automatically adjust the column width to fit the text, you can use the following shortcut: Select the all text by pressing Ctrl+A and the use this Shortcut: Alt + H + O + I This will automatically resize the selected column(s) to fit the longest piece of text within them.

AutoFit Row Height

Similarly, if the text within a cell is too tall for the default row height, it can be cut off or hidden. To automatically adjust the row height to fit the text, use this shortcut: Select the all text by pressing Ctrl+A and the use this Shortcut: Alt + H + O + A This will resize the selected row(s) to fit the tallest piece of text within them.

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  How to Copy Multiple Texts & Objects and Paste Them at Once Copying and pasting is a common task, but the traditional clipboard can ...