Tuesday 3 May 2016

How to Stop Numbers Converting into Dates in MS Excel

How to Stop Numbers Converting into Dates in MS Excel,how to type numbers in excel,how to type number with /,how to stop number into dates,convert numbers,date format,how to type text number,ms excel tips & tricks,number format,date to number format,dont type dates,convert dates into number,type as text,change number format,type date format,excel 2007,2010,2013,2016,column,row,cell,excel sheet,dont convert number into dates How to type Numbers in Excel without changing a dates format   Click here for more detail...This is a common and irritating thing in Microsoft Excel, when you try to type number like “5/3” it will auto converts number into date format like “3-March” but we want to type numbers, so in this post will show you how to stop number converts into dates format in Microsoft Excel, this method will work all the version of MS Excel 2007, 2010, 2013 & 2016.
1.       Open the MS Excel File  
2.       Select the area, column, rows or cells and click on “Home”
How to Stop Numbers Converting into Dates in MS Excel,how to type numbers in excel,how to type number with /,how to stop number into dates,convert numbers,date format,how to type text number,ms excel tips & tricks,number format,date to number format,dont type dates,convert dates into number,type as text,change number format,type date format,excel 2007,2010,2013,2016,column,row,cell,excel sheet,dont convert number into dates How to type Numbers in Excel without changing a dates format   Click here for more detail...

3.       In the “Number” section, drop down the list and select “Text”. Now the select area will not convert number into dates

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