If you don’t know basic keyboard shortcut key in Excel? than you must be learn, because shortcut keys help to work fast, in this post I have tried to mention some very useful and important shortcut key of Microsoft Excel, these key will work all the version of Excel like, 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016. (Watch below video to know how to use)
Alt + = Sum all of the above cells.
Alt+HAL Left Alignment
Alt+HAR Right Alignment
Alt+HAC Center Alignment
Ctrl+Shift, + Insert Column & Row
Ctrl - Delete Column & Row
Alt+Shift+F1 Insert new worksheet
Alt+EL Delete worksheet
Alt+I,S Insert symbol
F7 Spell Check
Product = move cursor on cell * press enter
Sum = move cursor on cell + press enter
Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow Select Entire Column
Ctrl+Shift+left arrow” Select Entire Row
Ctrl+shift+P Font size
Ctrl+Shift+F Font style
= Page up Link formula
Ctrl+Page Down Move to next sheet
Ctrl+Page Up Move to previous sheet
Ctrl+9 Hide Row
Ctrl+Shift+9 Unhide row
Ctrl+0 Hide column
Ctrl+Shfit+0 Unhide column (If not work use mouse)
CTRL+B Bold formatting.
CTRL+D Fill Down command to copy the content
CTRL+F Find and Replace
CTRL+I Italic formatting.
CTRL+N Creates a new
CTRL+S Save file
CTRL+U Underline
F2 Edit cell
F5 Go to a specific cell
Alt + Enter Next line
Ctrl + 1 Open the Format Cells window.
Ctrl + Shift + 1 Insert 00
Ctrl + Shift + 4 Insert Currency
Ctrl+F2 Print preview
Ctrl+F1 Show/Hide Menu/Ribbon
Ctrl+H Find & Replace
Ctrl arrow keys Move to Edge of data region
Shift+F3 Open Insert Function Box
Tab Move to Cell
Shift+Tab Move to Previous cell
Ctrl+; Insert Date
Ctrl+Shift+; Insert Time
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