Saturday 2 August 2014

Excel Shortcut Key: How to Hide and Unhide Column and Row in Excel

1.        Select the row you want to hide and press “Ctrl+9”

2.     For Unhide the row select the above and below row and press                                        “Ctrl+Shift+9”

3.        Select the column and press “Ctrl+0” for hide a column

4.        For unhide the column press “Ctrl+Shfit+0”

If the “Ctrl+Shfit+0” not work then do it from mouse

They all work for me except the last one. It fails for Excel 2003, Excel 2007, and Excel 2010.

See Video tutorial…. Please like, share and subscribe

How to Copy Multiple Texts & Objects and Paste Them at Once

  How to Copy Multiple Texts & Objects and Paste Them at Once Copying and pasting is a common task, but the traditional clipboard can ...